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Pathology Bone Marrow Request  

Important Note

Additional Order:  Pathology Assist Bone Marrow (in hospital only)

Enter Date and Time of procedure

Enter additional comments for special testing

Specimen Requirements

Specimen Type: Bone marrow aspirate

Container/Tube: Screw-capped, sterile container and slides

Specimen Volume: 0.5 mL and 14 slides

Collection Instructions:

  1. Slides are prepared at bedside by laboratory histologist
  2. Label container and slides with patient’s full name, date of birth, date and time of collection, and source of specimen.
  3. Place 2nd syringe of aspirate into an ACD tube and Na Heparin tube 

Specimen Type: Bone marrow biopsy

Container/Tube: Formalin

Specimen Volume: >4 mm

Collection Instructions:

  1. Biopsy is placed in fixative at bedside by laboratory histologist
  2. Label container with patient’s full name, date of birth, date and time of collection, and source of specimen.

Specimen Transport Temperature



Day(s) Test Set up


Reference Range

Interpretive report provided by pathologist


H&E stain; iron stain; Wright's stain and Retic Stain